William Roberts 1895-1980
Judgement of Paris, c1925
oil on canvas
17 x 13 inches
43.2 x 33 cm
43.2 x 33 cm
Another painting of this subject, executed in 1933, was exhibited at William Roberts' 1965 retrospective exhibition at the Tate (cat no.48). The catalogue entry refers to the existence of an...
Another painting of this subject, executed in 1933, was exhibited at William Roberts' 1965 retrospective exhibition at the Tate (cat no.48). The catalogue entry refers to the existence of an earlier painting of the same subject exhibited at the London Group in June 1925 which was 'probably the one later in the collection of Sir Michael Sadler' (Arts Council exhibition catalogue, p.15)
Sir Michael Sadler
Leicester Galleries, London
Private Collection, UK
The London Group, 1925, cat no.86 (probably)
London, Leicester Galleries, Exhibition of a Selection of Works from the Collection of Sir Michael Sadler, 1944, cat no.130