Lucian Freud 1922-2011
63.5 x 88.6 cm
with Malborough Gallery, London
Private Collection
London, Blain|Southern, Lucian Freud Drawings, Selected by William Feaver, in association with Aquavella Galleries, New York, 2012, cat no.125, illus b.w, another plate, unpaginated
William Feaver, Lucian Freud, Museo Correr, Venice, June-October 2005, cat no.85, illus b/w p186
Lucian Freud, The Painter's Etchings, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2007, cat no.99, p129
Catherine Lampert (ed.), Lucian Freud, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, 2007, illus b/w, p68
Freud At Work: Lucian Freud in conversation with Sebastian Smee. Photographs by Bruce Bernard and David Dawson, Jonathan Cape, 2006, illus b/w, p226